...or something to that effect.

Pop (my Dad's dad) decided to throw a big fancy shindig and invite pretty much everyone he knows. No particular occasion, he's just glad to be alive. We are too, so very nearly everyone came out for a random afternoon of family fun!

Jesenia! (my cousin Jamie & Joel's munchkin)                    My mom's side of the family came out too!

Mighty fine shindig.

Pop chatting with his guests                                           Uncle Joe speechifying

Daddy's turn                                  And then there was music! (Cousins Adria & Daria, and Daria's hubs Jack Grace)

The Chicago/Wisconsin branch of the family!
(Rosie, Uncle Joe, cousin Joe, Sergio and Karen with little Lyla, Jackie, Jamie and Joel with Jesenia, and Angie!)

Sweet little Lyla! (Cousin Karen and Sergio's baby)             Such a cutie pie!

Freeman! (Adria's kiddo)                  Aunt Rosie, Angie, Pop, Aunt Joanna, and Daria

It was great seeing everybody! A rare occasion to get everybody together, especially when it wasn't for a wedding or a funeral! We should do it more often! (Weddings and random gatherings - not funerals.)