Well, I still wouldn't call it "relaxing", but this family vacation definitely had more of my sort of fun in the mix than usual. And by "my sort of fun," I mean airplanes and books. Got lots of reading done, and besides checking out NAS Wildwood, Daddy discovered there was to be an airshow in Atlantic City on Wednesday, so we ventured up there and caught the last couple hours of it! :D

(I got SO MANY PICTURES. And almost all of them are awesome. Narrowing it down to a sort-of-postable number was quite the challenge. Here is but a fraction. (Yes, seriously. This is less than 10% of what I took in 2 hours.)

Paratroopers! (Air Force 103rd Rescue Squadron)

Air Force HC-130H Hercules (106th Rescue Wing) + seagull

P-51D Mustang & A-10C Thunderbolt II

A-10C Thunderbolt II

Heavy Metal Jet Team (a civilian jet demonstration team! five Aero L-39 Albatros and a MiG-17)

Kendal Simpson aerobatics demonstration (in a Pitts Model 12)


USAF Thunderbirds!












So much flying awesome. :)

The parents aren't planning on coming home until Sunday night, and I'm driving out to Harrisburg on Monday for Jess's wedding (and need to do laundry sometime before then), so when my Grandma and Aunt Carol came down to visit us and the beach for the day on Thursday, I decided to hitch a ride home with them. So now I have the house aaaaaaaaallll to myself for a few days!